Apparel Industry

We provide customized sourcing solutions

Best sourcing partner in apparel, home textile, accessories, sports goods and hard goods sectors for brands, retailers, and importers.

You're in the right place

We fulfill your

Sourcing Needs

Our Sourcing Regions

Process of sav sourcing explained using icons

We are ready to have exclusive consultation sessions with you to understand your sourcing needs and assist you to create a sourcing strategy.

We provide customized solutions according to your requirements.

Process of sav sourcing explained using icons


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Apparel Products

We cross the borders to discover the correct destinations for your products over the globe.



We select suppliers and assist them to run businesses to provide customized accessories.

Home Textiles

Home Textiles

We provide customized fabrics and cloths utilized particularly for furnishing a residence.

Sports Goods

Sports Goods

We provide all sorts of customized sports, recreational, athletic and fitness- related goods.

Why Us?

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Highest compliance standard maintained field

We work with suppliers who maintain the highest compliance standard in their field. Furthermore, we support our customers and suppliers to achieve and maintain exceptional standards across the supply chain with higher visibility.

We introduce the best supplier partners for products, fulfilling customer’s requirements, to source out of the country or the region.

Introducing best supplier partners
Workers in apparel factory

We are committed to provide access to a network of factories compliant with social, ethical and environmental best practices. Also, we are dedicated to deliver a quality product at the right price.

We support suppliers to maintain quality, consistency and on time delivery with our teams technical, production and quality expertise.

Maintaining product quality, consistency and on time delivery.

A Worldwide Network

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United States

Landmark of US

SAV SOURCING LLC Suite 244, 2916 University BLVD. W, Jacksonville, FL 32217, USA

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Suite 244, 2916 University BLVD. W, Jacksonville, FL 32217, USA